今天是:2024年4月20日 星期六
Wu Ganchang & his Team
This system includes random events and probability, random variables and distribution, digital characteristics, mathematical statistics foundation, estimation testing, etc. It is divided into teaching content, exercise guidance, and mathematical experiments. All pages have knowledge links for continuous online comments and doubts. Supports PC and mobile use.
Wu Ganchang & his Team
This system includes determinants, matrices, linear equations, eigenvalues and quadratic forms, etc. Including teaching content, exercise guidance, and mathematical experiments. All pages have knowledge links for continuous online comments and doubts. Supports PC and mobile use.
Wu Ganchang & his Team
This book includes multivariate calculus, infinite series, differential equations and difference equations, etc. Includes teaching content, exercises, and mathematical experiments. All pages have interactive knowledge links, interactive query and analysis, which are conducive to breakthroughs in learning and training, and online comments. Supports PC and mobile use.
Wu Ganchang & his Team
This system includes one-variable calculus, differential equations ..., including teaching content, exercises and mathematical experimental solutions. All pages have links to knowledge points, which are conducive to learning and training breakthroughs, online comments and doubts. The system supports PC and mobile terminals.
Wu Ganchang & his Team
The system includes distribution, numerical characteristics, mathematical statistics and other contents, and is divided into teaching content and exercise guidance. Made a knowledge link. Supports PC and mobile use.
在线学习系统 > 小学数学知识交互查询系统
  • 系统内容简介
  • 开发:吴赣昌 数苑团队
  • 发布:数苑网
  • 分类:小学 知识手册
  • 更新:2024-04-20
  • 阅读:57万