今天是:2025年2月20日 星期四
中文版 >
1.5.02 Clem’s Law

  Are there similar results for more general systems of linear equations?

  The answer is yes. Before introducing Clem's law, we first introduce the concept of -element linear equations.

        A system of linear equations containing unknowns


is called a system of linear equations of variable. When the constant term on its right end is not all zero, the system of equations (1) is called a system of non-homogeneous linear equations. When is all zero, the system of equations (1) is called a system of homogeneous linear equations , that is


        The determinant formed by the coefficient  of the linear equation system (1) is called the coefficient determinant of the system of equations , that is


  Theorem ( Clem's law) If the coefficient determinant of the linear equation system (1)


Then the system of linear equations (1) has a unique solution, and its solution is


among them, the determinant is the determinant obtained by correspondingly replacing the element 


 of the -th column in with the constant term 


 of the system of equations while leaving the remaining columns unchanged.

  Note: The [ proof ] of this theorem is given in Chapter 2 .
