The sign-preservation theorem of convergent sequences and its corollary
Theorem 3: If , and (or ) , then there exists a positive integer such that when , there is always
( or ) .
Proof : First prove the situation of . According to the definition of sequence limit , for , there is a positive integer When , there is
Using the basic absolute value inequality , we get
Similarly, the situation of can be proved . Certification completed.
Corollary 2:If the sequence has ( or ) starting from a certain item , and
( or ) .
Proof : Prove that the sequence has starting from the -th item .
Use proof by contradiction : if , then according to the above theorem , there is a positive integer , and when , there is . Pick
When , there is , but by assumption there is , which is a contradiction. Therefore there must be
In the same way, it can be proved that the sequence starts from a certain item with . Certification completed.